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 Topic: Hello 'Kitty ban.

Replies: 10
Views: 3648
PostForum: Banned? Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 10:16 pm Subject: Re: Hello 'Kitty ban.

you are making things more clear, i didn't read your rules, i've been playing this game since 2007 , and i got banned often, so i did what to me was the comon thing to do after getting banned, search for forums/sites/facebook community/admins contacts ect; so i appealed in the way most commuinities ask you to appeal, and i've rarely found different rules between them, your clanmate didn't make that clear, he just game insight on his reasons,  that he banned me cause to him it was hard to explain how i was killing the way i was killing, and that  i must had been using something, so, no obvious hacker, aimboter, he tecnically aaccused me of aimbot.
i didn't say 'shit' on your clan, i was just politely pointing out a situation that to me was bizarre, this is the first time i face a rule like that, record only clan members, comon players not needed, i'm not going to discuss your rules, it's your forum, your server, you decide about that, that's why i used the word 'abuse', cause most forums ask for demos, screenshots, in less words demostration of why the ban.

being the rules  cleared to me now, i'm not gonna waste your time any longer on this, as your rules state it is up to Baaddwrench
Clan Leader to decide, i don't agree with you on 'give another chance-redeem', what did i do wrong?, i joined your, i didn't insult anyone, nor i had a bad behavior, or took advantage over other players, i was just playing the way i play. am i a cheater?, it's not a fact, it's just his opinion.
 Topic: Hello 'Kitty ban.

Replies: 10
Views: 3648
PostForum: Banned? Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:54 pm Subject: Re: Hello 'Kitty ban.
arguing?, i must remember you that i did appeal using a template, then you explained your opinions, but opinions are like buttholes, you need evidence.
i don't understand the thing about the clan period and the other people getting banned, what does that have to do with me?
i'm not asking to talk to another admin, i used a lot of times the word 'community', a community is not made of one single person. as i know, at least.., when things are done correctly, you post you evidence, the other members post their thoguhts, maybe here is diffrent..,
thanks, not for unbanned me, since this thread didn't lead to nothing, no demos, no evidence, no other members participating, just your admin power, i would define that 'abuse'.
thanks for your time.
 Topic: Hello 'Kitty ban.

Replies: 10
Views: 3648
PostForum: Banned? Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:25 pm Subject: Re: Hello 'Kitty ban.
Hi, it's not about giving chances, since i did nothing wrong, you just think i use something, that's all, yet you haven't post a demo, a screenshot, an old ban from any anticheat system, nothing, and i haven't see other admins replying here giving their opinions, is this a one man communityt?; this is my second post;
i apealed, you replied,. i answer your replied.., you post again, and now i'm answering again to you, 3-4 posts, yet no demos, no other admins, nothing, this is ending in me trying to convince with words?, it's not about coinvincing, it's about what's fair, and it's fair that if you ban, you show your prove, not your opinions, if you are an admin, you should take this seriously,
i do get ban considerable times, i appeal, and depending  of the comminuty.., i get unbanned, there are some small servers, one from latin america, had to join their TS, the guy didn't even talk to me..., nice, and even insulted me....., there is this kind of people.., then why you have a server.. i ask myself....; you say you unbann me and that stuff, i would play the same, but i don't need to say it, you can see it on the game tracker list, all decent scores, from some servers i got banned, got unbanned, and do the same, that's why i give all that information as you said. and i join with admins online, i do that on porpuse, cause i have nothing to hide.

btw, to appeal i use a template, it is comon to me (since i'm also admin in a server) that the player fills it with his information, the admin who ban then show his reasons, the other admins members of the community study those reason, give their opinions, and decide, without arguing, and talking to much  to the player who gets banned, that's why i gave all my information very detailed, as i said, i don't wanna end up discussing, debating to much, worst if it is with just one member.., it's not about opinions, it's about facts.., always if you take this seriously..,
any other admin posting, giving opinions?
 Topic: Hello 'Kitty ban.

Replies: 10
Views: 3648
PostForum: Banned? Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 2:43 am Subject: Re: Hello 'Kitty ban.
it's not about having balls, i'm not a cheater, about the information, it is to show (because just talk is cheap) that i've been playing from years, with the same original key, that same key is clean on GGC and ppbans, i'm also part of a community, and we as admins are forced to record demos, and prove why we ban players,  we just don't ban people just on guesses, or on people complaining; in less words you are saying that you banned me because you don't understand how i aim  fast, and hit so precisely, your words also implied that i did manage to play on protected servers with the same key (original from steam) for years without being banned doing decent scores..,or, that all those years i play clean, always doing decent scores.., and that at some point i decided to use tools, in both cases, that is just senseless.., about the game tracker thing, it is to show that i don't play in just 3-4 servers, i join a lot of servers, so you are also saying that all the people from those servers are stupid or allowed me to play cheating?, also i have no issue in joining with admins online, and i do that on porpuse, cause i join to play, not to discuss, or get annoyed by raginng players, ( as i said to the guy online: there are two admins..., let me play in peace), also,..i don't understand the kiddie stuff, i'm politely asking for explanation, i'm 25 years old, am i expressing myself in a way tha lead to think i'm a child?, am i talking to adults or young people?.
for the record, all my game is default, the only thing i've changed  are the controls, that's all; it could happen that you see me shotting really fast, some players would use scroll-binds, and any tool you can imagine, i've got a video of me doing it just with my hands, in case i get banned for that, since in some servers that is forbidden (as in the servers of the community i'm part of), in this case, i was just sniping, i can't show a video, i don't record my games, since i play a lot, on xfire i have over 4000 hours, so i just have no space for all that.
i hope you understand my arguments since english is not my mother language.
 Topic: Hello 'Kitty ban.

Replies: 10
Views: 3648
PostForum: Banned? Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 10:37 pm Subject: Hello 'Kitty ban.
Hello, today i got banned from your server, i don't know by whom, but the two admins online were:

In-Game Name: Hello 'Kitty
Reason:BB aimkey
When: 2014-12-13 22:12
server:(Old Boys)And(Young Boys)ClanServer

i want to add that my key is original, bought from steam, been using it since 2008 or so;
here is my guid on GGC with over 200 connections, my key is clean..., since 2008..:

I also have a game tracker profile, if you search my nickname, there is a list with some servers i have played in, all with decent scores:

I think this ban is unfair since i'm not a cheater, all my game is default, since i download it from steam, i don't even use any special CFG as most all players do nowadays.

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