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 Topic: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!

Replies: 252
Views: 66932
PostForum: General Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 5:20 pm Subject: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!
— baaddwrench
— Spark
ok , so u say that here is the truth what about slanging islam u know that s
s4a is the only muslim clan with muslim leaders? is that why u tried to slang islam?so MBY s4a tried to payback ?

(btw im a muslim and dont have the entension to hear sh1t about islam proper talking would be nicer ..)

Nothing here I mean absofuckinglutely NOTHING here is said or spoken bad about ANY Islamic heritige so get that bullshit out of the subject - there is NO RACIAL discrimination towards your ethnic background do I make myself CLEAR on this subject sparky?
Realize members of our own clan are of Islamic heritage and slander of ANY heritage in derrogative way; shape or form necessitates immediate diciplinary action :!:

Good because there is no Islamic slander only proof of hacking by xerox.
I give a rats ass if he is from mars he hacked our server and others as well while trying to setup his adversary Ice & Slide.
If your foolish enough to beleive xerox bullshit vs the rest of sof2 clans, I have swampland I like to sell you in the desert.

How much for the land ?
Laughing Laughing
 Topic: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!

Replies: 252
Views: 66932
PostForum: General Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 6:08 pm Subject: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!
 Topic: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!

Replies: 252
Views: 66932
PostForum: General Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:32 am Subject: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!
Evil I took a pic just for you and your clan so PLEASE copy it and post it in your forums from me to Xerox and the s4a clan ...........ok

And yes is a actual pic of me
(Sorry ladys I am already married Laughing)
 Topic: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!

Replies: 252
Views: 66932
PostForum: General Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:15 pm Subject: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!
Xerox (Its an American copy machine)
It would suit you better just to leave the sof2 game you are not wanted and damn sure not needed.
I think you injected your own site to try to infect all these pc's in the gaming world (I wonder if that could count as an act of terrorism)
So please do us all a favor go find you a bunker some where a wait for 1 of those bombs to come threw the wall.

Now to sum it all up for you.
Go fuckin die some where a leave us all alone
The End
 Topic: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!

Replies: 252
Views: 66932
PostForum: General Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 12:38 am Subject: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!
Ok Sliide ,Dz
You guys hit that stand up there and get me a hotdog and a beer we will call it good this month Laughing
 Topic: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!

Replies: 252
Views: 66932
PostForum: General Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:14 pm Subject: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!
Very True
Who knows he may not have understood the logs :roll: Laughing
 Topic: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!

Replies: 252
Views: 66932
PostForum: General Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:53 pm Subject: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!
Here I will help you a bit

2:03 ClientConnect: 6 - - `oa || ~sliide|bn (The real ip of the hacker, pakistan ip.. )
2:03 ClientUserinfoChanged: 6 n\^$`^SoA ^$|| ~^7Sliide^$|^7BN^7\t\3\identity\shopguard1
That is YOUR IP with sliide's name
Now if you use simple math on this it will look somthing like this


 Topic: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!

Replies: 252
Views: 66932
PostForum: General Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:48 pm Subject: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!
Xerox you are pathetic
Thanks to your new found capabilities
We are getting pm's from your own members with even more proof
Your clan is falling apart and its all cuz you tried to destroy ours
You might want to get someone to read you those logs
They are pretty damn solid bud
 Topic: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!

Replies: 252
Views: 66932
PostForum: General Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:38 pm Subject: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!
No problem bro
Hardstyle posted the link on our forums due to infection
of our members
 Topic: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!

Replies: 252
Views: 66932
PostForum: General Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:22 pm Subject: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!
Llinks are safe
 Topic: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!

Replies: 252
Views: 66932
PostForum: General Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:20 pm Subject: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!
No I did not hack your site
I would not know where to start dude
That shit is way over my head
Game servers are just a hobby to me I still do not know everything about them
For as your site I got this when I went there to see what all your thought about you hacking these servers

Then googled it and found this
 Topic: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!

Replies: 252
Views: 66932
PostForum: General Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:45 am Subject: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!
play around with him a bit before you ban Laughing
UC RC run over and so on Laughing Laughing
 Topic: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!

Replies: 252
Views: 66932
PostForum: General Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 2:17 am Subject: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!
— Doo
Great work, Shipin. Thank you very much for your vigilence. We all hope to find a way to show our appreciation for your efforts to clear our name and reveal the true culprit.

Perhaps we can put a fund together to buy you all some plane tickets to Pakistan? Wink Laughing Laughing

I wanna ticket to Laughing
 Topic: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!

Replies: 252
Views: 66932
PostForum: General Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 12:21 am Subject: s4a crashed our server not SOA, ban all s4a!
Thank you all for your time and dedication
This will never be forgotten
If you guys need anything feel free to contact me

Steve aka IceXN SoA Leader
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