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 Topic: CoD4 Server Commands

Replies: 3
Views: 2383
PostForum: General Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 7:13 pm Subject: CoD4 Server Commands
Hi mates :)

could anyone explain me why "xlrstats" isn't available anymore?

Would it be possible to add it again or other ways to check stats?

thanks guys


(ps: could not find any posts about commans and stuff, so sry if there is already a post about it)
 Topic: Use of the empty CoD4 Server

Replies: 0
Views: 1731
PostForum: Suggestions Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 7:07 pm Subject: Use of the empty CoD4 Server
Hi Guys !!

first i want to introduce me:
my name is Steve but most call me with my ingame name "Dr.Dorian" or just " Dorian" ^^. I'm a new member and got at least one thing which I'd like to discuss :)

thanks in advance !

So what I'd like talk about is the CoD4 server which is most times empty. When we could make it that more ppl are on the server, it's running itself. What I'd like to say is that we could use this server for let's say for Trainings sessions or internal matches and tournaments.
If so, ppl see that there are ppl on the server and will join it. So its running itself as said before ^^

I really hope that we can match up some ppl here and have some fun!! :D

best wishes

Dorian Smile
 Topic: New Joining Application #43 from DrDorian

Replies: 10
Views: 2998
PostForum: Join Young And Old Boys Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 3:34 pm Subject: Re: New Joining Application #43 from DrDorian
like i said it didnt understand it completely thats why i was asking Smile
so its YOB | Dr.Dorian or like it found it as well (Old Boys) Dr.Dorian
 Topic: New Joining Application #43 from DrDorian

Replies: 10
Views: 2998
PostForum: Join Young And Old Boys Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 5:10 pm Subject: Re: New Joining Application #43 from DrDorian
do I have to put REC on?

Nickname *REC or how is it? didnt really get in in the joining description.. ^^'
 Topic: New Joining Application #43 from DrDorian

Replies: 10
Views: 2998
PostForum: Join Young And Old Boys Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 12:38 pm Subject: Re: New Joining Application #43 from DrDorian
thank you very much Mr Goofy Sir Wink
 Topic: New Joining Application #43 from DrDorian

Replies: 10
Views: 2998
PostForum: Join Young And Old Boys Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:55 pm Subject: New Joining Application #43 from DrDorian
You have a new Joining Application
From User DrDorian

Question: In Game Name:

Question: Location:
Germany, Munich

Question: GameTracker Name:

Question: Age:

Question: Applying for

Question: Other clans you have been a member of:
Soldiers of Faith, Sacred Heart Clan, Tactical Gaming Community

Question: The reasons you left your old clans if you had one:
have been closed/everybody left

Question: Any old names you may have used:
always Dr.Dorian :)

Question: Why you want to join our clan?
hope to play with some skilled people and get back to CoD4 again ! :D

Question: Time you played in our server:
as GameTracker says 15.53 hrs

Question: Connection:
what is meant with connection ?

Question: TeamSpeak 3?

Question: Extra Information:
Like I said i wanna join a clan (seems like a big one ;) ) to find some good and nice fellas to play with. Maybe some Clan fights or inner clan fights to have fun :)

 Topic: New Complaint for a Ban #40 from DrDorian

Replies: 10
Views: 3750
PostForum: Banned? Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:45 pm Subject: Re: New Complaint for a Ban #40 from DrDorian
ok I'll check it out :)

cya in game buds ;D
 Topic: New Complaint for a Ban #40 from DrDorian

Replies: 10
Views: 3750
PostForum: Banned? Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 12:16 am Subject: Re: New Complaint for a Ban #40 from DrDorian
hey mates

i really appreciate the way you handle me guys. Let me first thank you for that.

Also i'm sorry that my answer is coming so late; had a lot of work to do - in work and after work...
let me try to answer in the correct order you asked the questions:

1. Iraqi: yea he also is hacking but really bad. I can almost be same stat with him while he is using his aimbot so... hes not the big deal. I cant remember that guy i meant, but like i said it was something with " <3xD " or anything like that. Just signs in his name and not larger than the "xD" term i mentioned

2. AoE2 +  Expension best games mate Wink all i always needed was meat xD and what i couldnt get enough was wood... ^^

3. I'm sorry that i cant remember the YOB Members i been playing with.. I'll check the names here in the forums and let you know Smile
            ***UPDATE*** I think one of the members was Moonlight cause i remember the double o and that ehes dutch. looking for names i remember after 12 sites i gave up xD you really have a lot of members :)

4. Goofy thank you very much  !  and its working Smile
 last but not least : i'm 23 years old and from Munich, Germany

A pleasure to meet you guys

again thanks to all of you maybe I can help you  on that server as a guest member or even member or sth? Wink
 Topic: New Complaint for a Ban #40 from DrDorian

Replies: 10
Views: 3750
PostForum: Banned? Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 12:08 pm Subject: Re: New Complaint for a Ban #40 from DrDorian
i got banned and he should be banned
and aimbot as reason??? srsly?
well i played with some of YOB members and they even say that i'm not hacking and i'm not a stupid kid using tools
the only game i've ever cheated was Age of Empires 2 !  (not a kid anyway)

I dont know how to proof that i'm not hacking but if YOU know a way so I can proof my skills, please let me know.

I like your server and the people there.

Best regards, Steve
 Topic: New Complaint for a Ban #40 from DrDorian

Replies: 10
Views: 3750
PostForum: Banned? Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 1:09 am Subject: New Complaint for a Ban #40 from DrDorian
You have a new Complaint for a Ban

From User DrDorian

Question:  When? (time and date)

23/09/2014 at 00:35 time

Question:  From who?

sth with <|xD<3

Question:  Your GUID banned?

[color=red]edited by admin[/color]

Question:  The IP address at the time of Ban?

[color=red]edited by admin[/color]

Question:  In Game Name?


Question:  Reason?


Question:  Any other information that may be useful:


i think he was or is a hacker  an baned me with an admin tool or something else.
the "reason" is:   ab
thats all so it must have been a hacker
I'm pretty much every second day on this server know many guys but he was weird and i would say wallhacking
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