New Joining Application #54 from Spider
You have a new Joining Application
From User Spider
Question: In Game Name:
Response: >|Black Spider|
Question: Location:
Response: Pakistan
Question: GameTracker Name:
Response: abdulrafey
Question: Age:
Response: 14
Question: Applying for
Response: SoF2 v1.00
Question: Other clans you have been a member of:
Response: no
Question: The reasons you left your old clans if you had one:
Response: no
Question: Any old names you may have used:
Response: no
Question: Why you want to join our clan?
Response: i like this clan
Question: Time you played in our server:
Response: new
Question: Connection:
Question: TeamSpeak 3?
Response: Yes
Question: Extra Information:
i want to join this clan because it is an active clan and i want to become a good part of clan
From User Spider
Question: In Game Name:
Response: >|Black Spider|
Question: Location:
Response: Pakistan
Question: GameTracker Name:
Response: abdulrafey
Question: Age:
Response: 14
Question: Applying for
Response: SoF2 v1.00
Question: Other clans you have been a member of:
Response: no
Question: The reasons you left your old clans if you had one:
Response: no
Question: Any old names you may have used:
Response: no
Question: Why you want to join our clan?
Response: i like this clan
Question: Time you played in our server:
Response: new
Question: Connection:
Question: TeamSpeak 3?
Response: Yes
Question: Extra Information:
i want to join this clan because it is an active clan and i want to become a good part of clan
Ok I found you

Holding vote till I see more than an hour of game time
I look forward to blowing your brains out
Meanwhile have you found our custom soundpack?

Holding vote till I see more than an hour of game time

I look forward to blowing your brains out

Meanwhile have you found our custom soundpack?
when you will recruit me
— Spider wrotewhen you will recruit me
You've played twice in server, have any of us spent any time with you?
I'd like to know you before recruiting so please be patient and play some more -
Bring friends cause they're are not many presently in sof2 server unfortunately

Our goal is to have more people enjoying themselves in our clan servers esp clan members!
As I've said before I look forward to blowing your brains out!

- vote
- vote

You need some gametime before entering clan m8
Good to see fresh people in sof2 to shoot,
hope I see you in game soon
Good to see fresh people in sof2 to shoot,
hope I see you in game soon